
2 weight gain mechanisms during breast cancer chemotherapy

Statistically speaking, patients who maintain their weight during breast cancer treatment have the best prognostic. Most of the weight gain…


Why should overweight and obese breast cancer patients lose weight?

- Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer? Here is why you should lose weight if you were overweight or…


„The China Study“ Part II – Are the dairy products carcinogenic?

As I promised, in this second part of the analysis of the book called "The China Study" I will explain…


„The China Study“ – part I – How to make a big deal out of nothing?

Because I work with cancer patients and because many are completely shocked by the fact that I recommend eating meat…


Is the gluten-free diet beneficial for runners?

About the gluten-free diet, many people know that it is healthier than diets containing gluten. They know that gluten can…


Why you keep falling of your diet?

If you are tired of gaining weight each time you allow yourself to eat a treat, if you can't even…


Why you feel hungry when you are on a diet?

Why you feel hungry when you are on a diet is not that easy to understand by many people on…


The French paradox – between theory & practice

In 1819, the Irish doctor Samuel Black observed that angina pectoris is much less common in France than in Ireland…


The Copy/Paste Diet

I'm nutritionist Diana Artene and – before we talk about what "The Copy / Paste Diet" is and what impact…


What is the most important part of your car?

I have a question for you: – What is the most important part of your car?   You may be…


Made in Romania

Romania's entry into the European Union has had a massive impact on Romanians, whether we are talking about consumers or…


Animal proteins & oncology nutrition

When it comes to advising cancer patients about what they should and shouldn't eat, removing "animal protein" is the general…
