5 habits that help prevent breast cancer

Diana ArteneOncology Nutrition

habits that help prevent breast cancer

Breast cancer is a multifactorial disease, thus to prevent it we should take into consideration both the many risk factors and the few protective factors that we can influence. At my fifth book launch – Breast cancer ain’t pink – I talked about these risk and protective factors, but the workshop recording you can see on YouTube is in Romanian … Read More

What is the metabolic difference between cola light and normal cola?

Diana ArteneHealthy Eating, Nutrition for Weight Loss, Oncology Nutrition, Sports Nutrition

This article refers not only to cola light or to a specific brand in particular, but to the difference in metabolic impact between the consumption of cola light and soda drinks containing “sugars”. To start, let’s define exactly what is used to sweeten light or “sugar-free” soda drinks and what is used to sweeten normal or cola “with sugars”. “Normal” … Read More