healthy eating nutrition

Coronavirus – batshit crazy spring rolled Devil’s baby

The story of the virus with a beer name (Coronavirus, so: Have it with lime!) began at a market. On…


Cholesterol lowering, between laziness & superficiality

Cardiovascular disease prevention by statins alone works as efficiently as the lovely story: "There was an important job to be…


Alkaline water and cancer

Many people a little more attentive towards healthy eating started to drink alkaline water or to buy water alkalizing devices in…


Is meat carcinogenic?

In articles dedicated to analysing the validity of the link between "animal protein" and cancer, I explained why this association…


Why you keep falling of your diet?

If you are tired of gaining weight each time you allow yourself to eat a treat, if you can't even…


The French paradox – between theory & practice

In 1819, the Irish doctor Samuel Black observed that angina pectoris is much less common in France than in Ireland…


Made in Romania

Romania's entry into the European Union has had a massive impact on Romanians, whether we are talking about consumers or…
